“The Slower you Go the Faster you Get to Where you want to Be”
I have no idea where or when this philosophy came to me but I better tell you the entire quote before I go on –
The slower you go the faster you get to where you want to be
Because if you are enjoying yourself
You don’t have to go anywhere –
And this my friends can be summed up – rolled into a ball and bounced all the way throughout my entire life –
Even at this very moment as I am composing this little article – summary – story and whatever else these words can be labeled – there is not much more that I can say at least about my life since that is – this is – and this will always how I feel about everything as I move along slowly throughout my life –
Of course, I might seem to have goals which I have set all along but they are just as they have always been – points or markers which I can see in the very great distance and which – when I reach them – will have long ago been left in the dust of urgency and simply become part of my everyday procedures – movements and compositions – as does everything that is evolving within my art images go as well –
If you are not sure what I mean so far – try this out for a second – not one or more of my images is really different from any of my other images except that they may have been taken at different points of time in my life – but as far as improving or changing I consider my very first photograph as good as if not better than any of my other photographs:

Here – the subject – my uncle Jack was cooking – something that he loved to do and that is an activity that I photograph best – a person actually doing what it is that they like to do –
But in addition, since most everything else follows suit, there are things that I have been able to do with images that vary from that point on which are simply an outgrowth from that point on and that will go on and on and on infinitely – and that is a very long time and a very big project:

So why rush since I do have the rest of my life to continue on and I am very happy here as I always have been – just moving on – one step at a time –

also – it may also help to remember to let the tools do the work –
this means that many of the tools that are made by human beings are actually designed with the idea in mind to make things (whatever you are doing) easier for the human being and so they do – when used in a light-touch way remove the need for the frantic – crazy way of doing things AND surprisingly work better with a light touch rather than when the person utilizing them work harder trying the to make the tools work faster – that usually does not work and often (more often than not) causes friction and makes the tools work slower than they should) –
Copyright: Walter Paul Bebirian – in the Prime of His Life –
The Slower you go approach improves – enhances most every else in life –
Breathing when done slowly with deep breaths improves the amount of oxygen that enters a person’s lungs –
Driving slowly – besides mentioning the points in the video also allows the driver to remain relatively stress-free –
and fewer mistakes are made when time is taken to read carefully instructions and to carefully take each next step of a project –
And in relation to my art – I am able to see just how various parts of an image fit together as I take my time to put things together and utilize to the art of allowing by only working on a piece and the various elements when everything is ready and at the right moment –