Fine Artist Barbara Adler is
“A Child of The ’60s”
I first saw artist Barbara Adler when she joined my Art Marketing group on LinkedIn
and was captivated by the style of her work. Being that I am a child of the ’60s also there was a lot of things about her work that brought back some memories of mine especially when becoming of age in 1972.
So I asked her if she would like to tell me a bit more about her work and I was lucky enough that she said yes, so here’s what she had to say…

“The Fisherman”
Acrylic on Cotton Paper 250gm, 29.7x42cm, 11 ¾”x16 ½”
I was born in Philadelphia and lived there till I was eleven and now live in Israel. My earliest memories are of liberty bell and Ben Franklin. I moved with my parents to Israel in the early 70’s. Israel was small. We lived in a small, sleepy port town with not much going on besides going to the beach. I loved the freedom of going barefoot to the sea in comparison with city life, traffic jams, and the hot pavements of my previous life. School, wherever, was not easy for me. Here or there, I still had the same learning issues. Teachers said that I daydreamed and that if I just applied myself, I would be a great student. I couldn’t read till sixth grade. Today, we call it dyslexia. My BFF was great at drawing. The two of us built a virtual island in the middle of our classroom and spent the better part of our first six years in school, drawing and painting. The first year of high school brought me back to art. I have been doing it more on than off since then.

“A Day at The Beach” – Ink and Watercolor on Cotton Paper 100gm 21×29.7 cm
@Barbar Adler Art 2021
My life has taken me to various places, but my loves and inspirations are steady as an anchor in rough seas. I am an Israeli artist. After receiving my BFA, I found out that being a woman that wishes for a family, a career and to be an artist, that I was putting my art on a backfire. After the birth of my third child, I continued my education for a master’s in thought and art. Still, more theory and less practice. When we had time and the ability, we traveled. I loved to travel and see new places, taste new foods.
With the first lockdown due to the pandemic, I retreated into myself on my sofa with a sketch pad and pencils in hand and rediscovered my old love and passion to do art.
This passion came back to me in a small soft voice. The more I allowed the voice to have its say, the louder and stronger it became.
My inspirations come from memories and places. I love nature. Often, a dream will become intertwined with a snapshot of a memory from a place. The sea was my childhood playground, the place for building castles and first loves.
The strong various blues of the sky and sea are consistent in my artwork as seashells, anutiluses, geometric forms made by the bright sunlight, the ships positioned at sea waiting to enter the port, the contrasting yellows and ochres of the sands. . The dark purples, blues and blacks of a winter night storm at sea.

“Between The Park and The Sea” – Printable Digital illustration @Barbar Adler Art 2021
Recently, I have discovered the digital drawing that adds to my palate and techniques.
I love art. I love doing art. I love when others interact with me and my art. Color is life.

“Fish-eye” – Printable Digital illustration @Barbar Adler Art 2021
Thanks, Barbara this is some fantastic work.
How would you describe your work?
I would describe my art as colorful, unambiguous with a leaning towards the naive. As a child of the 60’s I guess that there would be definite influences of pop ( Roy Lichtenstein) and of course surrealism ( Dali and Miro) but as a young artist I was very much influenced by street art in the form of graffiti, the contour lines and imagery that evolve from writing/calligraphy.
Well, I have to say that you certainly have brought something special to the canvas and I appreciate the time it took for you to put this together for The Creatives Daily Presents.
I would like to invite all of you to go take a look at Barbara Adler’s beautiful work on her website and social media profile by hitting the links below. This is where you can find her original work and she also has prints available. We enjoy Barbara’s contributions to the Art Marketing group on LinkedIn.
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