Muralist Erik Schlake

Artist Erick Schlake

Muralist Erik Schlake

Muralist Erik Schlake teams with daughter Allison Schlake
for “Chalk Art” events in Florida


Artist Erick Schlake
Artist/Muralist Erick Schlake

I had the honor of Artist Erik Schlake helping me on a ceiling mural.

I had trouble completing the finishing because of a leg issue I had experienced and was basically left without the ability to climb any longer. Don’t ask me why I just woke up one morning and found myself hitting the floor when I tried to get out of bed.

Anyway, artist Erik Schlake had come to help me finish this mural for a very important client of mine for a couple of days and I was able to spend some time with him discussing artist events and generally everything that artists talk about.

I am honoring him here with this post and have headlined him in the

5/27/2020 issue of

The Creatives Daily

Erik is an excellent artist and has been where most artists can only dream of.

Artist Allison Schlake

Artists Father and Daughter Allison & Erick Schlake
Artists Father and Daughter Allison & Erick Schlake

 The daughter of Artist Erik Schlake, Allison doesn’t fall far from the tree, and as a father and daughter team, they have worked together extensively throughout Florida.

Allison and Erik have entered a number of “Chalk Art” events in Florida as well as a number of other art projects that involve murals, theme rooms, and decorative art for home, office, and commercial ventures as well

You should check out his website and view his astonishing work at

Erik Schlake Murals

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