Muralist Erik Schlake teams with daughter Allison Schlake
for “Chalk Art” events in Florida

I had the honor of Artist Erik Schlake helping me on a ceiling mural.
I had trouble completing the finishing because of a leg issue I had experienced and was basically left without the ability to climb any longer. Don’t ask me why I just woke up one morning and found myself hitting the floor when I tried to get out of bed.
Anyway, artist Erik Schlake had come to help me finish this mural for a very important client of mine for a couple of days and I was able to spend some time with him discussing artist events and generally everything that artists talk about.
I am honoring him here with this post and have headlined him in the
5/27/2020 issue of
The Creatives Daily
Erik is an excellent artist and has been where most artists can only dream of.
Artist Allison Schlake