Gareth Rockliffe
Naples Fl.
The Creatives Daily 9/20/2020
I met this amazing photographer years ago in Naples Florida at
a networking group that I joined called
The N.A.P.L.E.S. Group.
Naples Area Professional League Of Executive Services
which is one of the best networking group experience that I have had as a member for 5 years
Photographer Gareth Rockliffe
A native of Southport England came to Gloucester Massachusetts on a photography mission

“and it was during that trip, in Gloucester Massachusetts, that his world changed”
Dirt and Wreckage from Gareth Rockliffe on Vimeo.
Rockliffe has an amazing portfolio and I would recommend that you take a look at his work.
The talent in this family doesn’t stop with Gareth. His wife
Photographer Jan Soderquist of